Monday, June 30, 2008


THE SPAINISH GIANTS WON! (like i've all along predicted)

awesome awesome awesome.

anyway, victory all aside, its time to make it up to figo.


Thursday, June 26, 2008


i thought working equates more money to save, for my year end indulgence. but apparently i'm spending more money ever since i've started work. and its only on food, and drinks and transportation.

like c'mon!

i have yet to participate in the GSS. i have yet to purchase the tix to watch the dance. i have yet to sleep for more than 12hrs. i have yet to bum around!!

so not fun.

and i have no opportunity to watch soccer at all. sigh.

decisions, decisions..

with the materialistic world aside, everything else is not moving properly. i'm super confused now.

like how now brown cow.


Sunday, June 22, 2008


i like wind when it gets my hair tangled. means, it must be high speed winds. haha. its like the ones you feel when you're on the deck of a moving cruise ship or on a motorbike.

the bicycle, those less dangerous, just can't quite cut it.

anyway, there's this super super DUPER cool (and simply awesome) place we rode past. its called "River Edge". haha. he is going to buy the whole thing, and i'll pay the price of one unit to get the whole floor.

tsk tsk. haha. such imaginations, though ridiculous, does not fail to keep life just a little bit more fun.

then we went to sixth avenue to check out more real estate. (to the person that tipped me off: HELLO, I THINK ITS NOT REALLY THAT FANTASTIC LEH!!) so we went hollandV instead.

before heading home,

with high-speed winds blowing at your faces again, and butt cramps due to prolonged journey. everything in exchange for that adrenaline rush which i so yearn for.

haha! mission accomplished.

am going to bed.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


work is awesome for the week. i managed to find one cool makan kaki, albeit the little "youknowwhats". he already has plans for his future and is way more set on his goals than me.

kinda reminds me V. same ambition and all. ahha.

talking about him, i think he is my rock. he kinda keeps my sanity in check, despite all the (numerous) occasions i had to restrain myself before knocking him out, cold. brutal but in-your-face.

like what you said just an hour back makes sense to me. (but its not as if i hadnt thought along that path too). maybe you should do me a favour and drill all these analysis into that monkey's brain.

it'd definitely make my life so much easier.

regardless, i know i hafta take charge. i'm so sick and tired of degrading myself and sacrificing all for nothing. if people dont wanna see things from your perspective and only recognises change when it comes in their form, then these people dont know you well.

life, being already as complex as it is, doesnt require more issues to make it tougher.

so i'm set to do better! haha. slowly but surely.


Friday, June 20, 2008


my temper is my vice. whats yours?

of all people to not get me, it has to be you. of all the people to do shit, it must be you.

thats nice...

when that "one day" comes, i'm gonna not need this shit anymore. when that "one day" comes, i'm gonna be stronger.

when that "one day" comes, there's going to be no more need for your presence.

and yes, thats anger for you.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


"liar liar pants on fire"


i'm going to turn in at 1am. 1.15am, latest. i'm so exhausted. maybe its work, but this time round, work seems less shit-like.

(btw, sleeping at one is the earliest timing i've encountered throughout this while. just yesterday, i slept at near four.)

i'll give it a month for the whole thing to sink in though. and then, maybe i'll evaluate the dread.

meanwhile, its not easy waking up so early in the morning everyday and doing office hours 5days a week! especially when you had months of time-less constraints!

so if you could, just cut me some slack.

thank you very much.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


i used to dread anything that requires long distances. like going over to jurong to collect something or even going to suntec for work last time.

last year when my work place was at loyang and even though i had a free ride to work every morning (kudos to the aunt), i still freaking dreaded it.

even though my jc was just two bus stops away from house, going on time still takes alot of effort from me! hence, i only actually do well at home. i'm not anti-social, neither am i lazy. i'm just a home-person.

anyway, i have this friend, WHO IS HAVING A LONG DISTANCE R/S.

whats unique about this is that, they've never met in person before. many will instantly take this to be a joke and doubt its gonna last. but when you actually read between the lines, whats important is how connected they feel, beyond their distances apart.

right? they've even made plans to meet up in 2yrs and actually see if it'd work. imagine seeing each other and getting used to habits only made known when you actually get to experience it. not forgetting the little intimacy and physical connection!! and i believe thats not the only think they'll hafta get used to. (HAHA you know what i mean).

impressive. i have an open-minded take on this.

the best part, the fella is french! HA.

i'm so going along with my friend to meet the frenchie. i just hope he'll take me with him, i'll make a very good moral support and i'll promise not to intrude on anything!

love surpasses all distances, yeah? i admire the fact that they were willing to do the necessary sacrifices despite all the major risks involved. (eg. what if its just a prank.)

i dont think its dubious though. at least this r/s their investing in seems more real than the r/s i see here around me. like so what if you've not met the fella, there's always photo sending and other advances in technology to help ease the gap.

good luck with that buddy. i still DONT MIND talking to frenchie on your behalf when youre away in camp. hahaha. (: (: (:

Monday, June 09, 2008


staying away from the family isnt really very fun. it was cool for the first two weeks? but then sooner or later, it gets abit quiet.

my brother is staying out tonight and my parents are at lowland. my company for the night is my tv and my (sickening)cough. i felt like calling no one to come stayover. am too chilled to go entertain people, and am too overwhelmed by the inability to speak 3 sentences without coughing.

its really something special.

i suspect its the fried food i've been consuming, and perhaps the soft drinks. carl's junior is spoiling me with its refillable drinks and easy access to late-night fastfood. somebody should put a stop to it.

saw FSL the other night there too. goodness, cycling actually does reduces the size of one's butt! looks like 4000bucks well spent there. haha. of all places to bump into him as well... maybe its a sign. i should go tryout for EC again.

make more moolahs. make more moolahs.

have been talking to people about certain types of people. have been getting the same feedback over and over again. it seems like none of them bothers to let the issue affect them in any slightest way. i should heed the advice, i think. but i just cant stand the gloat or the peacock in the room. damn disgusting.

and the hypocrite. the fella who talks about people, and then becomes those people.

like wah! talk about "self-praise".

haha. i should go sleep before i give it all away.


Thursday, June 05, 2008


last night, i was pissed at something i shouldn't be affected by. maybe its the maternal instinct in me(women have that alot) that still lingers in the "must-care" department of the brain. it makes suckers out of us.

so in an attempt to appease myself, i ignited the GH3 spark and time passed damn fast! whizzed is the correct word. met V later for my 2nd dinner at punggol nasi lemak. then decided to stroll the estates. it was suppose to be therapeutic.

but i find myself feeling tired! GOODNESS! i blame it on the ease of transportation i can lay my hands on. my sling weighed a ton at that moment, but it only contains my wallet and keys.

along the journey we met this yellow car (completely unintentional if you must know). stopped to chat for a few seconds.

i lied when i say i couldnt see who was at the back of the car. sometimes i just dont want to see lah. anyway its just one fella, the fella who caused all these raw emotions that night.

not worth mentioning at that moment anyway.

then proceeded on to showing him the rest of the estate before letting him crash at my place for a couple of hours. watched FRIENDS back-to-back at 2 and he left after.

the part about coming my place to watch FRIENDS has been going on for about 2 days already. i firmly believe it might lead to a routine.


and i think i'm going to bathe and continue the day. bye.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


its been a month since his demise. haha. and no, it doesn't get easier. we just have to live with it. it feels weird talking to a picture of grandpa, and then not getting a response.

sucks alot, actually.

anyway, many other changes have taken place. you get to see who in your life is here to stay, and who are just passing by. sometimes, you get confused with mixed signals that you just totally deviate from your objective. which is tragic.

but people pull back from their offroad track. people like me, who are lucky enough.

i'm going to do myself a favour, and kinda erase the fictional facade people have attempted to inject in my life. its really retarded, on hindsight.

when two different backgrounds and personalities try to engage in conversation, the conversation just starts to evolve into a life of its own. this life, haven't got any solid groundings. this life, doesn't even stand a chance.

hello vincent, you were kinda right.

when somebody relies on too many given chances, the one who handles these opportunities out freely becomes naive and stupid.

so good riddance, leopard(s).